Assessed were the existence of asbestos, conditions of ceilings, plenums, walls, and basement, sprinklers, electrical system, and HVAC systems. We inspected the condition of all mechanical penthouses noting existing problems and making recommendations for improvement. We Surveyed agency spaces and conducted client agency interviews to determine current space allocations and requirements per job function, telecom system, power capacities, and furniture utilization. Based on the results, or team capably coordinated with DC jail space planners on an office plan as design determinations were made for optimal space allocations, efficient furniture systems, etc.
Our construction management services included inspection of new sprinkler installation, fire alarm system, ceilings, and asbestos abatement efficacy. We documented AFAS, ADA, emergency power deficiencies, and the existence of asbestos and prepared design documents for each deficiency noted. Challenges experienced during renovation included a 24/7 office operation at the same time as the ongoing project, night work, a complex phasing plan and an extremely tight budget. Other physical limitations included strict jail security requirements, limited movement within the jail facility, restricted work hours, sudden jail lockout(s), code blue etc, and the occasional necessity to vacate the facility mid-project without a given notice.