Design Management
Washington Business Group provides a complete array of Design Management services. Our Clients often request these services when they do not have enough dedicated staffing to deal with the design phase of a project or when their projects are simply too large and complex to manage in house.
A well managed design phase of any project will result in a superior design and efficient response to the program. In addition, a greater interdisciplinary coordination, a higher attention to critical decision paths and schedule, along with effective measurement for controlling costs will also be realized.
The seasoned staff of WBG fully understands the myriad of disciplines that are required to successfully design many of the projects of today. We at WBG will professionally manage the progress of design by way of: over-the shoulder reviews, interim reviews, and well documented design meetings. All steps are performed with a strict and meticulous attention to detail throughout the course of each and every project.
We understand that as the pace and complexity of any project increases so does the possibility for project shortfall. An increased risk for: missing program requirements, missing interdisciplinary coordination needs, and for designs that result in higher levels of complexity than necessary, are all possible. WBG will provide the continuing skill set necessary to avoid such pitfalls as we tailor our services to suit each individual client and their unique Design Management requirements.